"One reason, from my discussions with childless couples, that they may not have children is that they strongly value their marital relationship and their independent life style," Dr. Belsky said, "and are concerned about the effect of children on that relationship and life style."
The Clean Water Fund strongly values the Great Lakes as a natural resource, and aims to protect the lakes as much as possible.
The Energy Department held a Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Town Hall, delivering on Secretary Steven Chu's commitment to promoting a culture that strongly values diversity and inclusion.
The report concluded that children strongly value their parents' and carers' presence in schools.
Given the close cooperation with industry, Duisenberg school of finance is positioned to bring global financial leaders from these companies and other international companies to the classroom, so bridging the gap between theory and practice, which Wim Duisenberg strongly valued.
Prof. Feld strongly valued a scientific environment without ethnic or cultural prejudice, and many of his co-workers and Ph.D. students were from minority groups.
However, that became the very reason he strongly valued family loyalty.
American parents are unusual for strongly valuing intellectual ability, especially in a narrow "book learning" sense.
I strongly value the long-standing relationship between ASEAN and the United Nations, and their cooperation in various fields.