The groove was an actual replica of the sound wave - a straightforward structural analogue that reflects the conventions of Edison's time and mind.
It is a structural analogue of the carbonate anion CO, with which it is isoelectronic.
The term "structural analogue" is common in organic chemistry.
Although it is a structural analogue of tacrolimus, it acts somewhat differently and has different side-effects.
Diethylenetriamine is structural analogue of diethylene glycol.
There are many structural analogues of silane, which do not necessarily contain an organic functional group.
Furthermore, the number of structural analogues that can be obtained from harvesting is severely limited.
As a structural analogue of 2-oxazolines, 2-imidazolines have been developed as ligands in coordination chemistry.
When setting up a structural analogue why not make the symbolic mechanism as similar to the process as possible?
It is a close structural analogue of psilocin and classified as a tryptamine derivative.