Their coloration is due to structural anomalies caused by Plastic Deformation during crystal growth.
Urinary incontinence (related to structural anomalies and weakness of the bladder sphincter muscle)
Which was a much better explanation for removing Axial One, in Sean's medical opinion, than "structural anomalies."
Mutations in this gene are associated with holoprosencephaly type 4, which is a structural anomaly of the brain.
The underlying structural anomaly is longitudinal grooving of the hair shaft, which appears triangular in cross section.
They can be organized into two basic groups, numerical and structural anomalies.
Skeletal and structural anomalies can occur in approximately 14% of patients, including:
However, a minority of infants, especially those with more severe degrees of hypospadias will have additional structural anomalies of the genitourinary tract.
Current neurological research has uncovered clear evidence of biophysical and structural anomalies in individuals who are affected by the disorder.