The structural configuration is thought to have not changed since it was first built in the 7th century.
Several engineers have designed bridges on various alignments and with differing structural configurations.
Ancient longings have hardened into a resolve that becomes more like a structural configuration with each passing day.
Besides the development of appropriate design and structural configuration, special automatic control systems and navigation systems are also being developed.
Very flexible configuration, capable of supporting a large spectrum of implementations, payloads and structural configurations.
Successful identification of the structural configuration of natural proteins enables scientists to study and understand proteins better.
The structural configuration of pseudoknots does not lend itself well to bio-computational detection due to its context-sensitivity or "overlapping" nature.
E-Groups are specific structural configurations present at a number of centers in the Maya area.
The representation of this phenomenon becomes rather complex due to the biaxial and internal pressure load and structural configuration.
Evaluation of structural configurations and determination of LOV based on fatigue test evidence.