The rise in geographic, economic and demographic diversity of a student population suggests that the plan's focus on structural determinants of disadvantage yields broad diversity dividends.
Background Cells of the innate immune system sense host invasion by detecting structural determinants that are broadly conserved among pathogens of a given phylogenetic group [ 1].
"Cost drivers are the structural determinants of the cost of an activity, reflecting any linkages or interrelationships that affect it" (M. Porter).
The ANCD study notes that, to be effective, programs must address "...the underlying structural determinants that have a significant impact on alcohol and drug misuse."
A possible resolution of this difficulty is offered by accounts such as those of Kinsbourne (1970, 1973, 1977) which stress dynamic as opposed to structural determinants of perceptual laterality effects.
Evidence suggests the structural determinants for inhibition of hedgehog signaling by itraconazole are recognizably different from those associated with antiangiogenic activity.
Davies is known for his use of magic squares as a source of musical materials and as a structural determinant.
The prion domains are the major structural determinants that are solely responsible for the polypeptide aggregation and propagation of the aggregates.
The existence of a strain, conflict, deprivation or ambiguity, usually accompanied by stereotyped beliefs assigning responsibility for evils to other groups, is the second structural determinant'(ibid.:206).
Feher, Heller and Markus provide a critique of the 'bureaucratic class' thesis from the perspective of the structural determinants of social strata.