A particular photoionization mode is also very specific in terms of the ultimate chemical and structural effects induced to a given dielectric material.
The range of structural and biochemical effects that viruses have on the host cell is extensive.
The structural effects of language contact depends on social conditions.
Should termite attack occur, the post of column can be replaced with no structural effect to the building.
The loss of this "output" has had a serious structural effect.
However, Brunel simply lowered the formwork slightly so that it had no structural effect, but appeared to be in place.
Beyond immediate biological effects, ionizing radiation has structural effects on materials.
Thus the complex shapes taken up by protein molecules in the body may be due, at least in part, to the structural effects of the water.
This is a long-term structural effect showing that neglect, poverty and marginalisation are the real problems.
These policies had a major structural effect on the city's economy.