Full-head nails have greater pull-out resistance than clipped head nails and are mandated by code in many hurricane zones for structural framing.
Related industries such as aluminum fabrication, structural framing, and iron frame production are also essential to La Baie's economy.
The theater is unusual in its use of wood for nearly all structural framing, in contrast with the steel and cast iron more usually employed in its time.
The grating for the balcony, which narrows from eight feet to five, cost $1,350, excluding the cost of the structural framing and the railing, which were custom made.
The hand-hewn timbers serve as both structural framing and decorative woodwork.
The structural framing was also revised to include some lighter, milled woods to supplement the heavy-hewn beams the house had originally been built with.
All structural framing is Tasmanian hardwood (now augmented with pinus radiata), while weatherboards, flooring and finishing timbers are kauri.
Plastic or wire mesh lath, attached with nails or screws to the structural framing, is embedded into the base coat to provided stiffening for the stucco.
The rustic building is a "studs-out" structure with the sheathing on the inside of the exposed structural framing.
The structural framing of the buildings is formed of high-tensile bolted steel and concrete.