At the same time, an easy money policy, however necessary and welcome, won't remedy the structural imbalances produced by the bubble.
How can you not see the dangers of today's structural imbalances?
"We all acknowledge that there is a structural imbalance in the city's budget," he said.
The structural imbalance in global power had grown enormous.
Most experts said that the Mayor began to make major strides two years ago against the structural imbalance.
Also under consideration was the possibility raised by reports that the boat listed to one side due to a structural imbalance.
"There wasn't any progress made against any of our structural imbalances" during the quarter.
There is a danger that these structural imbalances will become even more marked.
I think we can agree that it has resulted in a structural imbalance.
The structural imbalances which the crisis has only exacerbated go beyond debts.