However, inclusive capitalism must address political considerations that maintain structural inequalities within any economy.
One particularly influential form of structural inequality can be found in education, since education affects many other opportunities.
And thus sweep issues of race, class, and structural inequality under the table.
It's the structural inequalities that need tackling, which requires a more fundamental shift than we saw this week.
Further, the results are likely to be affected by structural inequalities.
And should elected officials focus on individual responsibility, or the structural inequalities that create bad choices?
The structural inequalities that pushed women into prostitution were often enforced by the colonial governments.
To a large extent this social unrepresentativeness reflects some of the structural inequalities of contemporary society.
Especially did this structural inequality apply to older working-class people, by now a huge under-class.
They decided to throw out every practical measure aimed at addressing the structural inequality that has persisted for the last 50 years.