Yet the structural functionalist perspective maintains that this social order, this continuity, is what most people desire.
From a deeper structural perspective, coiled-coil arranges itself in such a way that the crossing angle between the helices is almost zero.
From the structural perspective, haloalkanes can be classified according to the connectivity of the carbon atom to which the halogen is attached.
The traditional way to distinguish between modeling perspectives is structural, functional and behavioral/processual perspectives.
My influence is from a structural perspective.
In information systems, the traditional way to divide modeling perspectives is to distinguish the structural, functional and behavioral/processual perspectives.
Skocpol presented a new way to look at social revolutions and analyze then through a structural and state centered perspective.
From the structural perspective, the most distinctive chemical compounds of boron are the hydrides.
From a structural perspective, the arch design utilizes the mechanical properties of the material.
The book lacks a structural perspective, exacerbated by the continuous use of the male pronoun (is this really acceptable to Macmillan in 1993?).