They often lack structural reinforcements needed to meet side-impact crashworthiness standards in effect outside Japan.
Also, two additional chambers were discovered above the main chambers that may have been a second story or a structural reinforcement.
Their body mass must be light indeed, with mostly hollow structural reinforcements.
But structural reinforcement is only one way a hospital must protect itself.
And he did it in ships that, unlike those of the British, lacked the structural reinforcement to withstand the ice.
The composite fuselage permits larger windows without the need for structural reinforcement.
Because of the speeds involved, significant structural reinforcement in the fuselage and wing is important.
Mr. Hornstein said the increase was due largely to the need for structural reinforcement.
From the crashing of dog flesh against wood, Anna doubted it would hold him much longer without structural reinforcement.
So there had to be some engineering work ahead of time, and probably some structural reinforcements.