There was a chapel in Falnash, but no structural remains can be seen.
A number of structural remains of this phase have been identified.
Today numerous traces of Roman civilization have been found, such as mosaics, ceramics, jewelry, coins, and even structural remains.
Pieces of hide also were recovered from hearth areas, living floors, and wooden structural remains.
Among multiple structural remains, of note is a stone chamber featuring an astronomical alignment during the equinoxes.
On display is 1 percent of a 55,000-piece collection covering more than 500 years, including 4,000 structural remains.
A new development was later built on the site, but scattered structural remains and the original gatehouse survive.
The artifacts and structural remains were not created by another race.
Existing structural and excavated remains have revealed the extent of the former monastery.
No structural remains have yet been found from this period.