In kinship terminology, it is a structural term designating the parent-child relationship.
In itself, this constituted a sharp break with Ford's traditional understanding of change in strictly structural terms.
"This is a perfect balance in geographical and structural terms."
The trap lying in wait for the sound colorist is that a work of longer duration must justify itself in structural terms.
In social structural terms, capital tends to be centralised.
Is that not an incorrect response in structural terms, because we could do far more sensible things with the money in order to regenerate employment.
Furthermore, there are very clear indications that the Commission's proposals, in structural terms, lack a reasonable basis and at times verge on the absurd.
In that way, support to countries lagging behind in structural terms, such as Portugal, can be maintained.
Nonetheless, the financialisation of agricultural markets is not called into question in structural terms.
In structural terms, poverty in the European Union countries is a problem which principally threatens to affect families with children.