Initially, and for the majority of its history, the BRB operated under the structure inherited from the BTC Railway Executive.
Agricultural and social structures inherited from 18th century prosperity were not able to modernize and compete with other French or European regions more responsive to the needs of the time.
The current government oversees official Islam through a structure inherited from the Soviet period.
In evolutionary biology, preadaptation describes a situation where a species evolves to use a preexisting structure or trait inherited from an ancestor for a potentially unrelated function.
Between 1819 and 1849 no fundamental structures inherited from the colonial phase change had been seen.
The structure of the economy, inherited from the central planning system, was characterised with a high level of monopolisation, which could significantly limit the success of the economic transformation.
The Ukrainian language possesses a rich grammatical structure inherited from Indo-European:
Both are homologies, structures inherited from common ancestors.
National Rail services have a common ticketing structure inherited from British Rail.
However, there is a growing consensus, which I share, that the basic cause of the disease is a physiological genetic structure inherited at birth.