Accordingly, where large samples are necessary, the structured or semi-structured format provides a number of advantages.
Each meeting has a structured format, with various members participating in the different roles in the meetings.
A product description in project management is a structured format of presenting information about a project product.
Nurses and physicians will chart using tools that capture key data in structured format.
All on-air personnel are required to adhere to a structured format and tightly-controlled playlist.
The structured format includes several laughter exercises for a period of 30 to 45 minutes facilitated by a trained individual.
A more structured format of this model is of course objects, or classes.
Flow accesses and generates data in structured formats, from files or databases.
The code comments and symbol table information are processed by Ddoc into an internal structured format.
It may be possible as a result of the pre-test to change certain questions from free response to a more structured format.