In part to ensure a greater consistency in their teachings, by the end of the 1st century many Christian communities evolved a more structured hierarchy, with a central bishop, whose opinion held more weight in that city.
Ariki do not operate in simple hierarchical orgranisations; despite what "government officers were inclined to believe", ariki have never been "the apex of a structured hierarchy of institutionalised tribal authority".
In July 1973 Francesco Cassani died and the young Vittorio and Luisella found themselves with the daunting task of transforming a family business into an organization based on structured hierarchy and procedures.
Some researchers and applications have experimented with combining structured hierarchy and "flat" tagging to aid in information retrieval.
The textual content and the structured hierarchy of Wikipedia has become an important knowledge source for researchers in natural language processing and artificial intelligence.
The service is a structured hierarchy with a clearly defined rank system conforming to a national and provincial paramedic visual identity.
The GAA is a democratic association consisting of various boards, councils, and committees organised in a structured hierarchy, and the basic unit of the association is the club.
Conservatives sought to update their theoretical perspective without giving way to ideas that would threaten the notion of a divinely structured natural hierarchy.
The Structure of the Gaelic Athletic Association is a voluntary, democratic association consisting of various boards, councils, and committees organised in a structured hierarchy.
The special educational needs support service (SENSS) that I know well now has a structured hierarchy to ensure that available staffing resources are distributed through the borough according to needs.