By the 1540s the struggle between Catholics and Reformed Church members escalated in Toulouse.
But there was an act of sexual assault, and Detective Romaine did report that Brian said, "It was getting rough," as the struggle escalated.
The struggle over Nagorno-Karabakh escalated after both Armenia and Azerbaijan attained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.
This struggle and inversion of the chiefly hierarchy invariably escalated to wars with the kingdoms of Verata and Rewa.
And rapidly the struggle between the two men escalated into a fullblown wrestling match.
But as the struggle escalated this week, the Murdoch forces were not the only ones rattling sabers.
The struggle quickly escalated and Mr. Green was dragged out of the car.
His struggles with the Whig press, who had published libelous statements about him, escalated between 1837 and 1838.
"The struggle will surely escalate."
The struggle has escalated in recent months.