'What is a haggard,' you ask, deep in that stubborn, silent soul of yours, my heart?
They are stubborn souls, with stocky builds, and familiar bulldog faces.
Entrepreneurs are stubborn souls, not easily discouraged by something like initial failure.
We have but little time to waste and the trolls are stubborn souls and vast persuasion they will need to do a job for us.
It is truly a stubborn soul, and endureth long.
But one stubborn soul, sitting at the table's far end, cried out, "It doesn't matter.
And memories of 2005 will probably pry loose many of the remaining stubborn souls who have refused to clear out for hurricanes so far.
He hoped with all his heart such stubborn souls made up only a minority of the Congress.
Always good to meet another stubborn soul.
But you always were a stubborn soul, weren't you?