She lit the single stubby candle that was part of their gear, then waddled over and switched off the overhead light.
Their life spans are so short, burning out like stubby candles.
Mine Host stood just inside, one hand on the open door and the other holding a stubby candle in his massive fist.
Sansa kept looking at the stubby little candle, anxious that it might go out.
He leaned his torch against a wall, and from some inner pocket, evidently waterproof, brought out two stubby candles.
The Mouser thrust a stubby candle into the brazier, held it to the old man's face.
Some of the soldiers along the way held out stubby candles that sent up acrid, black smoke.
A match flared, revealing a thin, strong hand and a stubby candle in a glass holder.
Short stubby candles that never went out burned in old lead wall holders, casting a coldjudgemental light.
In time, however, Zephram found one house still lit, with three stubby candles on a stand outside the open door.