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"This is fire energy and will break up stuckness," she said.
Every person is stuck in some way, we all have a stuckness.
Problems are what get people stuck, and a focus on these may lead to more stuckness.
Upon finishing this book, I was seized by a deep feeling of stuckness.
One impossible event was not enough to overcome spiritual stuckness.
There might seem to be no way out of stuckness other than abandoning the car, throwing away the relationship.
Acknowledging the stuckness can be the first step to becoming unstuck.
Paradoxes are endemic to group life and for the most part do not result in stuckness.
But now consider the fact that no matter how hard you try to hang on to it, this stuckness is bound to disappear.
Your stuckness is gradually eliminating patterns of traditional reason.
This morning a solution to the problem of stuckness was discussed, the classic badness caused by traditional reason.
(5) This spiritual "stuckness" is not just a limitation of the brain.
Moments of insight and awareness that took us out of our stuckness into new possibilities.
Could it be that an important starting point for lessons could be "stuckness"?
Stuckness is not always recognized as such.
Perhaps you are blaming others for your stuckness, instead of taking responsibility for your own life?
What we can expect, at the very least, is change: if nothing else, affirmations can be a good way of breaking 'stuckness' in our lives.
It seemed small because your previous rigid evaluation which led to the stuckness made it small.
The solution to the problem often at first seems unimportant or undesirable, but the state of stuckness allows it, in time, to assume its true importance.
Stuckness shouldn't be avoided.
An egoless acceptance of stuckness is a key to an understanding of all Quality, in mechanical work as in other endeavors.
For an organisation trying to survive and flourish in a world where the ground is constantly shifting, equilibrium represents inflexibility and stuckness.
Q -If my "stuckness" is related to a business situation, doesn't the coach need to have experience of my field of business?
Julia Hobsbawm: 'I'm interested in social mobility, and I think there is a stuckness going on'
It was clear to me that this group was "stuck", but I was not clear what the core of the stuckness was about.