Officials said the four students accused of making the licenses, all freshmen from Dallas, learned the skill in high school.
The students accused of seizing the newspapers face disciplinary proceedings next fall, a university spokeswoman said.
Rene's legal defense of Richie, the student accused of manslaughter, is that he heard the word as a threat and feared for his life.
The victim, whose name was not released, is 16, and the student accused in the attack, Thomas Nyekan, is 15.
A student accused of violating the code could eventually face a hearing before the Board of Regents.
The Culture Ministry claimed that as a student, being accused of having an adulterous affair should be taken as guilt.
Rather it was the case of the student accused of sexual harassment and intimidation.
Hearings are pending for nine students accused of being involved in the bonfire, which attracted more than 1,000 spectators.
Some students read about a student accused of cheating, while others read the same case history, with the student identified as a college athlete.
Four students accused of cheating were exonerated.