But several students commented on how fast everything happened.
One student commented that hearing other ideas had helped her understanding, and she now believed for the first time that zero was even.
The students, who are ages 16 to 18, and their parents, would not comment, citing the advice of their lawyers.
"She should behave with a little more dignity and wear that robe," one student commented about a judge.
My students will comment, 'Gee, you really eat healthy.'
Many students commented that they did not see the deaths as representative of the university.
The amazed student then commented to his teacher that, with such clarity, he should easily be able to create a live human.
Another student commented, "I imagined that what touched the embossings was my heart pumping."
Invariably, students came in and commented on what they saw in it.
Predictably, many students comment on having learned much from their courses and fellow students.