Wayward students and rookie teachers constitute a full lineup of pawns.
The school became co-educational in 1965, and female students now constitute at least 40% of the school's pupils.
Over the years, the number of foreign students increased, until foreign students constituted a sizeable portion of the student body.
White students make up 36.9%, while non-white students constitute 63.1% of the student body.
Female students constitute 54% of the total population.
Foreign students constitute about 16% of total student numbers.
But the appeals court disagreed, saying that disproportionately fewer black students at the college did not alone constitute discrimination.
The students constitute nearly half of the 279 students enrolled in the class and almost two percent of Harvard College's undergraduate student body.
These students constituted the Charter Class of eighty-four students.
Black, Hispanic and other minority-group students now constitute 30 percent of the high school population, with that figure going up about 1 percentage point a year.