He has taught many of today's leading drummers, and students regularly fly in from around the globe for intensive study with Dom.
On May 24, 2010 the four students flew to Arizona to participate in an immigration march.
The first students flew over the greenhouse toward the meadow.
In the 1930s most glider flight training was accomplished by having a student fly short hops under supervision of an instructor on the ground.
The student flies in monthly for services and to teach the children.
The morning was clear and two students were flying Japanese fighting-kites.
The students were flying a formation of twelve training aircraft known as AT-6s.
The students fly over the skyline of the ancient city, following their teacher.
Many students will fly to London this summer and then travel throughout western and eastern Europe, she said.
For now though, he and his students will be flying above the Hudson, leaving stress and responsibilities behind, if only briefly.