As well, the Capital Semester program allows students to intern in the New York state legislature.
Exeter offers the Washington Intern Program, where students intern in the office of a senator or congressional representative.
Over 1,600 students have interned at over 100 different NGOs, congressional offices and government agencies since the program began in 1984.
Four students from Fuqua School of Business at Duke University are interning in India, compared with only one last year and none in 2003.
Miss Cohn said also that five students were interning this summer in New York at J. Ottman Consulting Inc., which specializes in environmental marketing.
UTLA encourages students to intern the last semester of their senior year and focuses on practical experience through interning 4 days per week with classes on Mondays.
Since the program's inception, 20 students have interned in various departments in the hotel.
During their senior year, students must intern at local dental practices to experience hands-on skills.
Throughout their experience at Elon, students are also highly involved in the seminars and programs of the local school districts, and may intern at one such institution.
After Junior year, the students can intern in the US Patent Office.