And indeed, most students interviewed said that the situation would not affect their decision whether to attend Princeton.
But now, six months after it started, teachers and students interviewed for this article say the initiative has had mixed results.
The students interviewed for these surveys are, of course, both male and female, but it is the young women who trouble me.
The students interviewed may well change their views - as many adolescents do - when they get older.
The research included almost 6,000 students in Norway between the ages of 13 and 18 interviewed about their recent headache history.
Many years ago, students interviewed Tessie for the school magazine.
Several students interviewed at Union, a school known for its liberal politics, echoed that theme.
On campus, several teachers and students interviewed today said that they were not surprised by the court's decision.
Many students out of dozens interviewed said it was not particularly clear what interest rate they had signed up for.
Most students interviewed today had not heard of the arrest.