The students and staff of Townsend Harris High School at Queens College mourn the loss of our founder, friend and advocate.
The students mourn her death, resolve to fight in her name, and take her body away.
The students, alumni, faculty and staff of the Columbia School of Public Health mourn the passing of our dedicated faculty member.
The Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe faculty and students mourn the passing of a gracious, elegant and modest woman.
The faculty, staff and students at Columbia University Health Sciences mourn the loss of our friend and colleague, Steven Papp.
The students, faculty and friends of the Sh'or Yoshuv Institute mourn the passing of Herbert Berman.
The students mourn the death of Mabeuf and plan what to do with Javert.
The students were ostensibly mourning the death Saturday of Mr. Hu, whom they regarded as a protector of intellectuals.
The students mourned Mr. Hu by shouting demands for more democracy as the nation's leaders held their own official memorial service next door.
At Beijing Normal University, where Qi Gong taught classical Chinese language and literature for more than 60 years, teachers and students mourned their professor's death.