Last year, after he filled in at Columbia University, students petitioned the history department to hire him.
Alumni, students and staff had petitioned to save Junior's and have the school find new premises for it.
After 1863, students could petition to study with one painter or sculptor the whole year.
He became the head boxing coach in 1932 after many students had successfully petitioned for the introduction of the sport in 1929 and 1930.
Later in the decade, however, 1,100 students petitioned the administration for the promotion of Chicago football to the varsity level.
The students of the university are petitioning against the closure of the Singapore campus.
Professor Menon said students petitioned her this year to introduce a course on the topic, which begins in January.
After World War II, students petitioned for a center for themselves.
This semester, students petitioned the college to denounce Mr. Campbell's views.
In 2013 students petitioned the country's President to call for the well to be preserved.