They engage in hands-on activities that the students regard as "fun" and a "wonderful learning experience".
Now this stirred resentment; students regarded the lounges as a Community resource and used them at any hour of the night.
Though they lived in a village without running water, her parents were schoolteachers, which makes some students regard her with suspicion.
None was forthcoming; even her students regarded her with sudden loathing.
"The other students regarded me as an hysterical aesthete, and I certainly didn't write my best poetry then," he added.
His students regarded him as an engaging speaker and a stylish dresser.
A more deep-seated problem, some of the staff said, is the lack of teachers from minority groups that the students could regard as role models.
Even the younger students of Cantonese opera sometimes regard it as only a sidelight.
Reissued in 1994, the book changed the way many architects, students and historians regard modern architecture.
The students regarded the new attendance policy as unfair.