Teachers take a student-centered approach to instruction.
His most recent book, Who Owns the Learning, explores how to move from a teacher-centered to a student-centered approach to education.
Learning to learn is more of a student-centered approach that stresses the importance of having the learners share this responsibility with their teachers.
A distinctive feature of the school is the personalized, student-centered approach to legal education and professional development.
Unlike most university social entrepreneurship centers, the program has an undergraduate, student-centered approach, incorporating both academic analysis and practical applications in the field.
Collaborative learning is a student-centered approach to learning where the instructor is more like a facilitator than a teacher.
His constitutional law courses took a critical but comprehensive student-centered approach, and he was well known for his kindness towards students.
Asynchronous learning is based on constructivist theory, a student-centered approach that emphasizes the importance of peer-to-peer interactions.
We practice a student-centered approach to instruction following an inter-disciplinary and inquiry-based curriculum.
We offer a student-centered, interdiscipinary approach to instruction.