In 1964 the military regime resigned in the face of student-led demonstrations, and party politics reemerged in the Sudan.
By its very existence, this gathering was the most serious challenge to Communist Party authority since the student-led demonstrations of 1989.
A decade later, he aided the student-led demonstrations that culminated in the crackdown of June 4, 1989.
Downtown Harare erupted in riots this afternoon as a student-led demonstration against police brutality was breaking up.
But the protests did not match the intensity of the student-led demonstrations last year that forced the Government to allow democratic changes and direct presidential elections.
There were several student-led demonstrations in the late 1960s and early 1970s, primarily against the Vietnam War.
A leading liberal scholar said that "those young faces looked the same" as those during the huge student-led demonstrations of 1989.
The government continues to insist that the student-led demonstrations of 1989 constituted a "counterrevolutionary rebellion" that justified the military action.
China's Communist leaders seemed paralyzed by the student-led demonstration.
A protester was killed in al-Maafir after police used tear gas and live ammunition against a student-led demonstration in the town.