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Yesterday the court admirably fulfilled that mission in refusing to permit organized student-led prayers before public high school football games.
Moreover it also decided that these student-led prayers were only acceptable at graduation, not during football games.
Last month, the center sent 35,000 letters to local and state officials citing court opinions supporting student-led prayer.
The court ruled that the Constitution did not allow student-led prayer before a public high school football game.
He also has waged an aggressive campaign to defend a 1993 state law that permitted voluntary, student-led prayer in the schools.
But despite these successes, the groups said they would continue to press for a constitutional amendment giving protection to student-led prayer.
A1 The justices heard arguments on student-led prayers before games.
Sekulow served as lead counsel and presented oral arguments on behalf of student-led prayer at high school sporting events.
In another school-related action today, the Court ordered a closely watched case on student-led prayers at graduation to be vacated as moot.
But this season, his 49th as Brick's head coach, Mr. Wolf can at least take part in student-led prayers.