The Mexico 68 protests were part of a worldwide series of leftwing student-led protests.
The student-led protests have been the broadest pro-reform demonstrations in three years.
The revolution, which took place from November 17 to December 29, 1989, was a largely student-led protest against Communism.
Meanwhile, a campaign of student-led protests, including a call for a general strike on July 7 unless Mladenov resigned, had been gathering support.
The group takes its name from the 8888 Uprising, a series of student-led protests in 1988 opposing the military rule of Ne Win.
US analysts claimed subsequently that the student-led protest had been violently suppressed.
In the six months since student-led protests forced the Government to allow Wednesday's direct presidential election, it is the politicians who have been in the spotlight.
A mostly student-led protest organized sit downs with several members of the school board in order to avoid the change into a block schedule.
Less than one month earlier, a large, student-led protest in Shifang stopped construction on a massive copper smelting plant.
Since student-led protests were crushed by gunfire in September 1988, Myanmar has become a giant political prison.