Although originally supervised by faculty, the goal was to have the Journal become a student-run publication.
The journalism program produces the student-run publication for the school, which has received recognition on the local, regional, and national level.
It is produced annually by students and is the oldest student-run publication on campus.
He could, however, use the profits from the thrift store to fund a student-run publication.
New to the campus is the 631, another independent and student-run publication offering a conservative alternative to the Collegian.
The student-run publication was established by Daniel Yergin in 1967.
The Voice of Business has grown to become the largest student-run publication in the country.
The Vista is a weekly, student-run publication focused on university and local news as well as relevant national stories.
It is the oldest student-run literary publication in the college's history.
Hanks High School has four student-run publications, each produced in a different media.