The students practice in the Dojo, located under the gymnasium.
Extensive problem sets are included for each investigation to help students practice, apply, connect, and extend these understandings.
Counselors suggest that students practice taking the test under actual testing conditions.
Once chosen, the students practice together during the school holiday period.
Fernando-Venezuela I think, it is important that in schools teachers learn and induce their students practice exercise from early age.
Today, thanks to protests by anti-vivisectionist groups and a queasy public, few medical students practice on animals.
The team of more than one hundred students practices at Bull Run Marina.
The students practice between six and eight hours a week, with increased times according to concerts and performances.
Although the school does not have a gym, students practice at local fields and gyms.
Officially, drinks and food are not allowed, but this is unreasonable, given that students practice for hours at a time.