Eyes are often raised upward in studious attention, as though Michelangelo's last and little-known commission had been discovered on the curved white ceiling of the No. 6 train.
Only Captain Picard's studious attention to their silly stories told them that he'd seen enough in the galaxy not to dismiss such things as silly.
Moneo paid studious attention to Leto's face.
But with these charts no longer accurate-" Griff surveyed the creased canvas and paper square before him with studious attention.
But what's nice about most of his work - and in the performances by his working band, Five Elements - is that it really doesn't require studious attention.
One man sat honing his sword with the studious attention of diminished intelligence; the rest were less involved in their duties.
Yes, but Five Elements, his standard small-group setup, which now includes his trumpet-playing protégé Jonathan Finlayson, doesn't necessarily require studious attention; you don't have to be a music student to love it.
The townsfolk sat with hands either folded or gripping handkerchiefs; their eyes -most wet - regarded Goohringer with sober, studious attention.
Mr. Soderbergh, with his studious attention to film language, his formalism and his thoughtful application of craft, is more modernist than postmodernist.
Four young boys were all studious attention; but their toes were nipping at a copter patch.