Chu Yuxun, the lead character of the series is a poor but hardworking and studious girl.
Esther, a very intelligent and studious girl, discusses how her family cannot afford for her to go to high school.
A studious girl, she's always up to date with the latest technology and has a strong will.
"That's for us to know and you to find out, if you're a very studious and clever girl, Youngling."
For instance, can you imagine anyone more unobjectionable than the studious, eager girls who appear on University Challenge?
This one belonged to a studious girl who sat in the middle.
Also a studious girl who comes first in school, she wins all her friends' hearts with her kind and sweet nature.
She was a studious, religious girl,' he says.
In turn, she had envied the studious girls who made good grades and served as president of the Latin club.
When she smiled, a trace returned of that which had drawn him to a shy, studious girl he met on a job.