A further study involving musculoskeletal symptoms and computer use among Finnish adolescents affirmed the association between musculoskeletal symptoms and computer usage.
He also said that the Scottish study affirmed his belief that installing the machines in homes is needed.
Yet another study, this time on people recovering from abdominal surgery, affirms that greenery seems to speed recovery.
These studies affirmed that the United States' European allies were highly susceptible to having important oil supplies blocked.
Newer studies are affirming the need to get people moving.
Some reports and scientific studies affirm that ritualized use of ayahuasca may improve mental and physical health.
The study affirmed that day labor is an entrenched national trend, and that three-fourths of day laborers are here illegally.
Other phylogenetic studies, which also incorporated nuclear genes, affirmed the distinction between Akodontini and the new group.
Subsequent studies affirmed many of Clark and Wilkes-Gibbs' theories.
The study affirms that monounsaturates like olive oil are the most healthful fats.