The two return to live to Resembool until deciding to separate to study alchemy.
She likes the indoors because she freckles and likes to study alchemy all the time.
For example, he liked to study alchemy.
People who studied alchemy were called alchemists.
While pastor (from 1746) at Walddorf near Tübingen, he studied alchemy and made many experiments, his idea being to use his knowledge for symbolic purposes.
During the times she visited at Uranienborg, she met Erik Lange, a nobleman who studied alchemy.
He studied theology, philosophy and alchemy at the University of Giessen, obtaining a master's degree in theology in 1693.
Newton spent years studying alchemy, using furnaces in his Cambridge rooms to conduct experiments.
His eldest brother Adrien studied alchemy and occultism as well.
She is a well-regarded historian of science and medicine, as well as having studied alchemy, magic and the occult.