To date, no study has clarified whether chicken is a choice or simply an amiable expedient.
In the future, genetic studies might better clarify the relationship among various breeds.
In 2004, 2007, and 2008, molecular phylogenetic studies further clarified relationships within Cichorioideae.
Later studies using immunofluorescence microscopy of larger areas of tissue clarified diversity in earlier results.
He thought that a study of the embryos of these birds might clarify their position in the animal kingdom.
The study does not clarify the following issues: * Does aspirin increase risk of hemorrhagic stroke?
Since that time, molecular phylogenetic studies have greatly clarified relationships within the family, and the number of accepted genera is now between 80 and 85.
Nevertheless, the Commission has taken this on board and commissioned a study, among other things, to clarify the impact on the so-called smaller businesses.
A 1993 study clarified the status of genus Chelonia with respect to the other marine turtles.
Such a study could clarify the impact of adult experiences on adult health in a population matched on early life experiences, the authors say.