This study comprises the whole of the upper left wing, being separated from the back rooms by a corridor which runs the whole length of the house.
These studies examined communication and disclosure processes in families after notification by health care professionals about a Lynch syndrome predisposition and have comprised relatively small samples.
The studies comprised data on 1,674 shots.
Taken together, these studies comprise a substantial body of work notable for its diversity, its competence and its orthodoxy.
The study of the forms of curses comprise a significant proportion of the study of both folk religion and folklore.
Such studies comprised the bulk of his extensive research career in the last two decades before retirement.
The Deaf studies comprise the scientific study of the deaf-related aspects of the world.
The study of Riemannian manifolds comprises the subject called Riemannian geometry.
A detailed study of the Marketing Mix comprises a substantial proportion of the total content of this manual.
The study comprises a cohort of 551 adults born in the Lothian region of Scotland in 1921.