The new study corroborates data from the fish themselves as to how fast they evolved.
There are two proposed benefits, assuming that further studies corroborate the initial results.
The implication: A possible ban if larger studies corroborate the findings.
Other studies corroborate that drug use and dealing are equal opportunity offenses.
If further studies corroborate these experimental results, future diagnosis of certain mental health disorders could be expedited using such methods.
Another recent histological study performed by different workers corroborates these results, finding that rapid growth began to slow at around 16 years of age.
Other studies have corroborated the effects of dietary fiber.
But he added that a very large study on osteoarthritis of the hip, published in 1999, corroborated their findings "almost exactly."
The study corroborates an observation of vision differences that had often been made by those treating multiple-personality cases.
Such studies corroborate with earlier beliefs of sociologists.