The study extends earlier findings by other researchers, which showed that babies have a limited ability to recognize numbers.
A new study is replicating and extending the earlier work with a larger group of white-collar workers.
Some studies extended the approach to specific subjects, such as metaphor and similarity.
The study did not extend north to the Boston area, where large earthquakes occurred in 1727 and 1755.
Because the latest study extended the follow-up only a year, it remains to be seen what benefits over a longer period might be.
Many important studies followed their example, some with competing results, and extended the issue of credit rationing to further domains.
That's started to change recently, and a new study extends the evidence to experienced Braille readers.
His studies extends to the use of plants as medical herbs.
The new study confirms and extends the original discovery.
The current study extends this past research by investigating claims from the state of Oregon over a 12-year period.