Small volumes do not result in readily detectable symptoms, but ongoing studies hypothesize that these "micro-bubbles" may have some adverse effects.
As a result of this, earlier studies hypothesized that people with more depressed moods would tend to use anchoring less than those with happier moods.
Different studies have hypothesized they may be closely related to the extinct Gaindetherium or Punjabitherium.
These studies hypothesized that the primary function of Notch signaling does not act on an individual cell, but coordinates cell clocks and keep them synchronized.
The study also hypothesizes that older, decayed trees are preferred by the species.
Some studies have hypothesized that learning and memory are linked to depression, and that neurogenesis may promote neuroplasticity.
This study hypothesizes that such individuals are better at accessing both hemispheres, allowing them to make novel associations at a faster rate.
Hence, this study hypothesized that mutual grooming was related to relationship satisfaction, trust and previous experience of affection within the family.
Instead, some studies hypothesize that these green patches are a result of the accumulated waste of marine life.
The Israeli study hypothesizes at one point that repression may work as a coping style because those who ignore have a uniquely adaptive perceptual style.