He claims to derive evidence for this from the work of Jean Piaget in studying infants.
The researchers studied premature infants born from 1994 to 2001 in a university hospital.
Researchers who studied infants with low birth weights have found that doses of vitamin A can significantly lower their risk of chronic lung disease and other problems.
She studied infants born with extensive damage to the brain's language areas and found that their language abilities developed normally.
While at Harvard University, Kagan studied infants up to two years and published his work in his book, The Second Year.
It has been moderately challenging to study deaf infants in the past because it is uncommon to diagnose hearing disabilities within the first year of a child's life.
As a young adult, Wedgwood became interested in the best method of educating children, and spent time studying infants.
Dr. Geraldine Dawson, director of the University of Washington's autism center, for example, studied infants from 8 to 10 months old who were later identified as autistic.
She studied infants with congenital blindness in the 1970s.
"We can explore these early influences systematically by studying infants who are breastfeeding, as well as babies whose parents have decided to formula-feed."