In a third study led by the same researchers, 3 breast cancer patients were given high-dose coenzyme Q10 and followed for 3 to 5 years.
In 2005, a study led by Ingo Kennerknecht showed support for the proposed congenital disorder form of prosopagnosia.
Later he took up study of geology, being led to it by pressing requirements in connection with the water supply of Burton.
The third study, led by Dr. Nissen, looked at arteries in the heart.
The seven commissioned a big study, led by the International Monetary Fund, on what the Soviets needed.
The study of theory, led by mostly unreadable eminences, has overtaken the academic world, at several removes from Kenner's enjoyable approach.
The new findings came mainly from two studies led by researchers in New York City.
The study, led by Nevada University, in the United States, comes despite continuing concerns over a decline in reading at school.
The door crashed open, and she straightened furiously as more than a dozen women strode into her study, led by Elaida.
Back in 2000, Physique hair products issued a study, led by a Yale professor, on first impressions and hair.