After graduating from Detroit's Center for Creative Studies, Mobley moved to New York City to study portraiture.
While with Micheli, Modigliani studied not only landscape, but also portraiture, still life, and the nude.
After Durham University, he gained a scholarship to the Charles H. Cecil Studios in Florence where he studied classic portraiture for three years.
After the death of his wife in 1882, Keith moved to Munich to study portraiture.
There she studied drawing and portraiture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Liège.
The three artists spent time in Madrid and Toledo, and Frederic studied portraiture by studying Velázquez's previous work.
His daughter Elizabeth Emmet (b.1794), Jane's great-aunt, would study portraiture under the direction of a steamboat designer and portrait artist named Thomas Fulton.
She studied oils and portraiture.
After the war, he studied portraiture and went to Boston to study with Gilbert Stuart in 1816.
As a student at Yale he studied portraiture, and still enjoys sketching and painting.