The bureau's study projected a loss of up to 2.16 million manufacturing jobs by 2000.
But for 2006 and beyond, the study projects a decline in growth: This year sales are expected to rise only 2.6 percent, to $9.07 billion.
Several studies project that as the population ages, online shopping by older Americans will increase.
One study projected the county would have 100,000 more jobs than it does residents in the next 20 years.
Recent geological studies project the rate of sinking to be around two inches per year.
The study projected the world population in 2030 to be 8.321 billion.
A 1997 study projected that trade show attendance would hit 140 million by 2000.
The study projected an annual growth rate of 10% for the language industry.
The 1984 study projected that the population would continue to rise, reaching 310.8 million in 2080.
The city agency's study also projected that in the coming year, operating costs would rise 6.1 to 7.7 percent.