He said the study referred to the possibility of "additional" housing on the site.
Some studies refer to these new forms of organization as complex chiefdoms.
"Every study - whether the subject is transportation, economic development, planning or senior services - refers to it as the county's most crucial problem."
In ludology, the study of games, exogenous refers to anything outside the game itself.
Most of these studies refer to the United States and the major British study refers to the situation in 1971.
The original environmental study and the permit referred to an installed capacity of only 19 Megawatt.
The different archaeological studies conducted in this region, refer to various types of roads and paths, used by ancient people.
Both studies refer to the area as the Piedmont megalopolis.
The study referred to here has only gone on for five to eight years, not enough time to make any valid conclusions.
Archbishop Carey said the study referred to Sunday attendance only.