Many fields are extremely specific and have the same few people on its study section.
One of the striking things about the process is how easy it was for the study section to eliminate the bad grants from consideration.
Basically, the study section had to grade different degrees of excellence, and decide that some worthy projects wouldn't make the cut.
The Congress was made of four study sections: scientific, pedagogical, literary and propaganda.
The institute's study section had to operate in a separate building in Portman Square.
If a study section does not include a relevant expert, then a cover letter with the grant application can request such an expert.
The six study sections of the congress were as follow:
He explained: "If you are funding only a small number of proposals that seem worthy, study sections tend toward more orthodox grants.
Obtaining funds from study sections on emergency care is difficult because peer-reviewers do not view alcohol-related research as being vital.
Private desks with computers are provided for students as well as quiet study sections and recreational areas.